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Mass communication elective classes you can take at Texas Ò°ÀÇÉçÇø

Thinking about a career in mass communication? You have options. And with elective classes that can help you round out your resume with multiple different skills, you can graduate better prepared to take on a role in any communications career. 

Broadcast Journalism

Listen to NPR? Watch Under the Desk News on TikTok? Or maybe catch up with the news on the radio or YouTube? That’s broadcast journalism — and it’s changing every day. Classes like Mobile Production and Advanced Digital Production can teach you how to create your own podcast, vlog, TV broadcast and more to bring information across different digital platforms.

You can also get involved with the Rambler Media Group to practice your skills with news happening right on campus. You'll get on-the-job experience with TV and other digital media in a newsroom setting, while getting mentored by your professors and peers.

Public Relations

Want to help keep a company in a positive light, its audiences informed and help make things go a bit smoother when a crisis hits? Check out public relations. In the Survey of Public Relations and Public Relations Campaign courses, you can learn how to communicate effectively and efficiently to keep your business glowing in the public eye, even if things turn for the worse.

Remember when the lights went out during Super Bowl XLVII? Oreo made a super move in getting out a social media post that said, “You can still dunk in the dark.” It’s marketing and public relations stunts like that that can make your company go viral.

However, companies can go viral for not-so-great moments too. Canceling lots of flights at the last minute made for a lot of angry customers for one airline in 2021. The media blew up the stories, sharing information on how frustrated travelers had to pay hundreds of dollars to reschedule their plans. Its PR team had to work to share how they were making amends with travelers and what the company was doing to prevent widespread flight cancellations in the future.

Having great public relations skills can be a huge asset no matter where your career takes you. Knowing how to juggle the media, prepare your co-workers for interviews and come up with ways to set your company apart can make you even more marketable to employers. Everyone wants their business to look good!

Advertising Copywriting

According to digital marketing experts, most Americans see over 5,000 ads every day. With that many messages, brands need to stand out. In the Advertising Copywriting class, you’ll learn advanced techniques on how to help a company’s message land in the minds of their consumers — like Tootsie Pop with its “How Many Licks?” or Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef?” When you mention those words, generations of people remember the brands.

From visualization ideas to writing words that make people stop and read, this class can help you take on the tough challenge of making a brand one to remember. You may just be the next person to write that next show-stopping commercial and have that brand make history.

Design and Photography

In your mass communication degree, you’ll take a class in digital design to learn how to put together print and online media. But if you want to take on a career as a graphic designer or creative director, pair your degree with a Studio Arts or Visual Arts minor. The minors help you go more in-depth in the techniques and history of art while also helping you get the hands-on experience creating art — we’re talking photography, film, drawing and more. 

Practicum and Internships 

As a mass communication major, you can have real-life experiences count as credit toward your degree. In the Practicum class, you’ll join forces with the Rambler Media Group to develop news stories right on campus. You can partner with the group to work as a content producer, account executive, editor, designer and more. It’s up to you what you want to specialize in!

You can also expand your skills by getting an internship with a company off-campus as a junior or senior. It’s a great way to practice what you’ve learned, build your career and establish some connections while earning class credit. Career Services can even help you find internship opportunities.

Ready to dive into a career in communications? In Texas Ò°ÀÇÉçÇø’s diverse mass communication classes, you’ll get one-on-one mentorship from engaging educators to help you graduate ready to take on your dream job.

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