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Accounting Society offers students opportunities for networking

09.29.2017 | By:

Current Accounting Society President Mirella Puga, describes the Accounting Society as an organization that provides students with the opportunity to learn and interact with accounting professionals.

The goal of the organization is to motivate students to achieve their career goals by gaining insight from professionals and their experience. By attending the organization’s meetings, students are able to expand their network and seek potential internships.

On Thursday, September 21, Dr. Webb invited Darren Harriot, CPA and internal auditor for AZZ Inc., to be the organization’s first guest speaker.

Harriot a CPA, certified public accountant, shared his experience in the accounting industry. He advised students to view attaining a CPA certification as an investment for their future.

Currently, an employee at GM Financial, Puga agreed with Harriot’s advice.

“The biggest advice I took from him was the investment part of CPA [certification],” Puga said, “I’ve seen it [the benefits of a CPA certification] with experience working at GM Financial. I know he’s right.”

Aside from expanding their network with professionals, such as Harriot, the Accounting Society offers students the opportunity to build a network among other local campus students and staff. A perfect opportunity for this will be an upcoming softball tournament the Accounting Society will participate in, alongside the Fort Worth Chapter of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants.

With so many opportunities to strive, Puga encourages students to join the Accounting Society.

For more information, please contact President Mirella Puga at mpuga@txwes.edu, Vice President Amber Leachman at arleachman@txwes.edu or Advisor Dr. Kimberly Webb at kwebb@txwes.edu.  

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