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Tompie Hall '74 to receive Alumnus of the Year at Alumni Medal Dinner
This event is open to the public

09.08.2021 | By:
photo of medals presented at alumni medal dinner

Tompie Hall grew up in Fort Worth and graduated from Texas Ұ with a political science degree in 1974. After graduation, he took a job with Bell Helicopter. Soon after, he moved to Iran and worked in the Middle East for 10 years in various positions.

As a former KPMG Partner and Private Equity Partner, he has led senior level engagements and participated in global projects exceeding $18 billion throughout his 38 year financial career. Also, he teaches “corporate governance” at the graduate level in higher education and inculcates to his students the importance of integrity and ethics. Tompie is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), a graduate of KPMG’s Management Institute.

Tompie is a dedicated alumnus, serving Texas Ұ as a trustee, member of the Endowment Committee and the University’s Business Advisory Council. He has been active in facilitating connections with Texas Ұ students from Saudi Arabia. Tompie is a frequent lecturer at universities and symposiums.

Tompie and his wife Pam, who is also an alumna, have three children and seven grandchildren.

Ұ the Alumni Medal Dinner
Each year, Texas Ұ University honors distinguished alumni and friends. Their achievements and contributions are amazing reflections of the University, and we are honored to celebrate and recognize them each year.

This year’s  will be held at the Martin University Center on campus on Friday, Oct. 29. The reception begins at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and program at 7 p.m.

The event is open to all alumni, friends, faculty and staff and tickets are $65 per person.  by Oct. 18 to reserve your seat and be sure to register for other homecoming weekend activities as well.

Questions? Contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 817-531-6548 or alumni@txwes.edu.