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Who We Are

We are the Facilities Operations Department at Texas 野狼社区. Our staff is comprised of 18 highly dedicated people committed to the cause of creating a better environment for the students, faculty and staff here at 野狼社区.

What We Do

Our two primary focuses are the daily maintenance and operations of the campus. We do everything from repairing HVAC units and changing out light bulbs to picking up trash and installing whiteboards. We have plumbers, set-up coordinators, HVAC technicians, electricians and mechanics on staff all with the charge of maintaining and enhancing our campus environment.

Aside from the daily operations of the University, we are responsible for several renovations and facility enhancement projects going on around campus. Just a few of these projects include:

  • Renovating the simulation labs in the Health Science/Nurse Anesthesia building
  • Repairing and updating the library flooring
  • Aligning the campus with COVID-19 safety recommendations from the CDC

How We Can Serve You

Day in and day out, we take care of incidents and service requests. Have a leaky faucet? Fill out a . Need parking reserved for an event? Fill out a Service Request. If you have a question, please call the Facilities Office at 817-531-4252.


Campus Improvement Idea Form

Have a suggestion for Brian Franks? Submit your ideas for campus improvements using this form.